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For Kids
Kids! Bring your folks and enjoy a day at the orchard!

1. True or False
Johnny Appleseed was not sick until he died.
a) True
b) False
2. True or False
Some of the apple trees that Johnny Appleseed started from apple seeds are still living today, over 200 years later.
a) True
b) False

3. Why did Johnny Appleseed plant apple seeds around the country?
a) To make America more beautiful
b) So that no one would be hungry
c) Because he did not like oranges
d) To create more shade
4. During which season are apples harvested in America?
a) Spring
b) Summer
c) Fall
d) Winter

5. Which of the following is not a way to check that apples are ready for picking?
a) How firm the apple is
b) Skin color
c) Seeds
d) Size
6. According to the food guide pyramid, you should eat 2–4 fruit servings per day. Can a glass of apple cider count as one of your fruit servings?
a) Yes
b) No

7. Which of these are added to apple cider?
a) Color
b) Pulp
c) Sugar
d) None of the above
8. Was Johnny Appleseed a real person?
a) Most definitely!
b) No way

Apple Cider Quiz – Answer Key
1. (a) True
2. (a) True
3. (b) So that one one would be hungry
4. (c) Fall
5. (d) Seeds
6. (a) Yes
7. (d) None of the above
8. (a) Most definitely!
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